No one, absolutely no one is giving me the magic that psycho Edlegard did. I feel I would enjoy a 3rd playthrough of 3 House's, or maybe actually playing my 4th house DLC a lot more than I'll ever like this. For reference 3 House's is a 10/10 for me and Radiant Dawn an 8.5+/10. It has just cost me £35, so far it feels more like it's worth about £2, if that. Radiant Dawn was my first FE and 3 House's is my favourite game ever, if anything I prefer newer titles much more but this is just rubbish. I'm not some FE purist that only likes old games. I like the 3D stuff and it looks nice in general but then everything is totally ruined by forementioned horses. I don't want to hear constant nonsense like, hey, you sure, OK, urgh, that's right, let's go, or any other rubbish they spout. Give me text any day but please not with a one, or two word audio byte for every line. I like text and I don't like stupid OTT Hollywood cr*p voiceovers. You can't make a strategy for complete randomness. How can I enjoy a strategy game that is purely down to luck? That is totally game breaking. I still love to plan, even if I'm not very good at it. I am not a major tactical strategist but come on, it is still a strategy game. Now I am someone who plays Fire Emblem on easy, if the option is available.

They actually did worse with the support than without. Then I went a step further with this second character and gave them support. Every time a different outcome from the same move. My first move was identical on my rerun but the outcome was completely different. I played a side quest, made a silly error early doors and started again. Next the battles are awful and I am getting rid of this game after just a short time playing because of it. My next waifu being a donkey, doesn't really appeal to me. They look like they have been kicked by a horse. Or should I say horse? Every character has hooves for feet and these huge horse like legs. So first let's address the elephant in the room. However, Awakening is still a great Fire Emblem game that will test your strategic skills in a decent way, but as mentioned, it will not get very difficult. And the story is just one of the weakest in the Fire Emblem franchise.

The hit rates of your units and your foes are too much in your favor. The game is also pretty easy, even in battles where you are largely outnumbered, you can still overcome them easily without losing units. However, you can easily forget to level up certain units (in my case I forgot completely about Nowi, Kellam, Donnel, Libra and Sully) and you often don't even require them. The game has also a very good soundtrack, with "Don't Speak Her Name" being IMO the greatest song in the game (and possibly the series). You can even get two of them to marry each other if they reach Support level S, and after they do, their child travels back in time, and you can recruit them in your army (with Lucina being the most important of these child units).

Most characters are pretty well developed if you take time to read the support conversations between them. The game has a very large cast of characters, as well as a very simple battle system with good mechanics. The game has a very large cast of Even though this game is great and saved the franchise, I don't believe it to be the best in the series.

Even though this game is great and saved the franchise, I don't believe it to be the best in the series.