Find Finds a GameObject by name and returns it.他のGameObject、Componentにアクセスする. Static Methods CreatePrimitive Creates a game object with a primitive mesh renderer and appropriate collider.

TryGetComponent Gets the component of the specified type, if it exists. SetActive Activates/Deactivates the GameObject, depending on the given true or false value. When this instruction is executed, Unity will check all the objects in the hierarchy and each one of its components until it finds a "SomeScript" type object, when it finds it it returns it as a result, but since we are interested in the GameObject to which that Script is assigned, we use the dot operator and access the "gameObject" field.UnityEngine Module GameObject Class CreatePrimitive Method GetComponent Method GetComponent Method GetComponentFastPath Method GetComponentByName Method GetComponent Method GetComponentInChildren Method GetComponentInChildren Method GetComponentInChildren Method GetComponentInChildren Method GetComponentInParent Method GetComponentInParent. Unity GameObject aslında tek başına işe yarayan objeler. İster 3 boyutlu bir model, isterse ışık kaynağı olsun, sahnedeki her şeyi GameObject olarak adlandırabiliriz. GameObject Unity adlı oyun motoru/programı üzerinde yarattığımız sahneler içerisine yerleştirebileceğimiz objelerin genel adıdır. Note that this is the same as GetComponent Haziran 23, 2020. To get the position of a gameobject in the world, you can retrieve a Vector3 (x,y,z) of it's Position from the Transform component that's added by default to every gameobject, as seen in the inspector: returns the absolute world position.